You made the right choice!

Thank you for signing up for teo.  

To get teo up and running quickly you will need to implement a few simple steps.  Don't worry!...this requires ZERO technical skills.  If you can fill out a form and watch a few videos then you will be good to go.

Teo is a "Set it and Forget it" software.  Once you go through the initial set up, it will run on auto-pilot. All you need to do is check for text lead notifications, answer the phone, reply to interested leads and update the status of each prospect. This takes 10 minutes a day max.

We want to thank you for becoming an early adopter.  Every week we are making teo more powerful and easier to use.  You will get first access to all new features and opportunities when they become available.

We look forward to helping your grow your lending business

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